Sunday, June 2, 2013

#8Sunday: Superman is out tomorrow!

Click HERE for more WeWriWa Snippets
It's going to be an exciting week for me. My romantic comedy, Searching for Superman, releases tomorrow, June 3. It's my third romantic comedy with Champagne Books and this release is every bit as exciting as the first.

In eight this week, Conrad, the manager of the Rialto, the down-but- not-quite-out theater in Searching for Superman, has just gotten a major sponsorship to pay for theater restoration.

 “This, my lovely girl Friday, this is our ticket to Nirvana.”
 “Nirvana, huh?”
  Conrad handed Stephanie the business card. “You’ve heard of Cluck and Chuck?”
“The chicken guys?” Herbert Cluckman and Chuck Ingraham were Schenectady’s version of Ben and Jerry, two local guys who had opened a chicken restaurant. They had expanded and now Cluck and Chuck’s Chicken was a national operation.
“One man’s chicken is another man’s salvation.”

For more on Stephanie, Conrad and Cluck and Chuck, click HERE
For more great writing snippets, click HERE


  1. Congrats on the new release! Love Cluck and Chuck, and I can totally see that as a national chain. Looking forward to reading more of this.

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

    1. Thanks Joyce! Cluck and Chuck's Chicken is my fall back if the whole writing thing doesn't work out, LOL.

  2. LOL, love that last line. Good luck on the release!!

  3. Oh this is going to be good. Funny snippet with the dialogue between these two!
    Congrats on the release.
    History Sleuth's Milk Carton Murders

    1. Thanks Cindy. They were fun characters to hang out with.

  4. I sense fun ahead with Cluck & Chuck! Terrific snippet! and best wishes on the new release!

    1. Yup. Cluck and Chuck do figure heavily in the story. Thanks Veronica

  5. You know, I was fine until I read this and now I really, really want chicken. And it's a great snippet too. Nice banter, very easy-going chemistry and just a hint of mystery.

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  7. hahaha this is hilarious, especially the last sentence.
    I love it!

  8. Oh, I like that.

    Excellent stuff.

  9. ROFL "One man's chicken is another man's salvation." That line was awesome, love it.
