Friday, December 30, 2011

Book Beginnings: The Art of Racing in the Rain

 I've just finished reading Garth Stein's "The Art of Racing in the Rain." It's a story told by Enzo, one of the world's wisest philosophers. It happens that Enzo is a dog.
I loved the story right from the beginning:

"Gestures are all that I have; sometimes they must be grand in nature. And while I occasionally step over the line and into the melodramatic, it is what I must do in order to communicate clearly and effectively."

 For more book beginnings, visit A Few More Pages


  1. This is one of my favorites. I listened to it on audiobook and it made me cry. :(

  2. I often think our pets are smarter than we are. Good choice.

  3. I've heard great things about this book-I'll need to read it, too :) I love your blog page!! The header is awesome!!! :D

  4. @ Brinda- definitely a five hanky read
    @JC I want a dog like Enzo!
    @Books in the Burbs. It's a wonderful read! And thanks, I fell in love with the photo, sums up how I feel about reading.

  5. Sounds like an interesting perspective. Pets bring out the best for sure.
