I'm in the midst of the To the Wind blog tour. Anton and Lenora have several more stops along the cyber road between now and January third.
Here at home, I'm posting another snippet from the book. In this excerpt, Lenora worries about Cyrus Abercrombie, who will prove troublesome before the journey is over.
I took the brush from her and
attended to the task, happy to touch her silky waves. “The crew’s rumblings are never pretty, mon amie. You must away from them.”
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I took the brush from her and
attended to the task, happy to touch her silky waves. “The crew’s rumblings are never pretty, mon amie. You must away from them.”
- See more at: http://www.blueroseromance.com/#sthash.AdFswlbr.dpuf
Here at home, I'm posting another snippet from the book. In this excerpt, Lenora worries about Cyrus Abercrombie, who will prove troublesome before the journey is over.
“Mr. Abercrombie still troubles
me,” Lenora said one eve as we were off the coast of Peru. “The crew is
rumbling. It is not pretty what they say.” She sat upon the berth and ran a
brush through her hair.
I took the brush from her and
attended to the task, happy to touch her silky waves. “The crew’s rumblings are never pretty, mon amie. You must away from them.”
“I don’t seek them out, Anton.
But it is hard not to hear their complaints in a society small as the one
aboard this ship. Maurice told me Abercrombie whipped Tageo.”
I did not hold with whipping, but
it was common enough practice. I would be hard pressed to sanction Abercrombie
for use of the lash as a means of discipline. “Tageo is a scoundrel. The men
say he has been stealing water. You can understand how serious is such an
“Yes, but—”
I held my fingers to her lips. “I
have heard the grumblings, Lenora. I will speak to Abercrombie.” I understood
her distaste. I had seen the lash cut down too many good men, both aboard ship
and in New Orleans, to embrace its use. And I feared Abercrombie had an
appetite for whippings far beyond what might be considered common practice. It
troubled me considerably more than I let on to Lenora. Abercrombie knew well I
needed him. He gave me his respect only because I was his superior and he
feared I might yet throw him into the sea.
Mr. Abercrombie still troubles
me,” Lenora said one eve as we were off the coast of Peru. “The crew is
rumbling. It is not pretty what they say.” She sat upon the berth and ran a
brush through her hair.

“I don’t seek them out, Anton.
But it is hard not to hear their complaints in a society small as the one
aboard this ship. Maurice told me Abercrombie whipped Tageo.”
I did not hold with whipping, but
it was common enough practice. I would be hard pressed to sanction Abercrombie
for use of the lash as a means of discipline. “Tageo is a scoundrel. The men
say he has been stealing water. You can understand how serious is such an
“Yes, but—”
I held my fingers to her lips. “I
have heard the grumblings, Lenora. I will speak to Abercrombie.” I understood
her distaste. I had seen the lash cut down too many good men, both aboard ship
and in New Orleans, to embrace its use. And I feared Abercrombie had an
appetite for whippings far beyond what might be considered common practice. It
troubled me considerably more than I let on to Lenora. Abercrombie knew well I
needed him. He gave me his respect only because I was his superior and he
feared I might yet throw him into the sea.
Mr. Abercrombie still troubles
me,” Lenora said one eve as we were off the coast of Peru. “The crew is
rumbling. It is not pretty what they say.” She sat upon the berth and ran a
brush through her hair.

“I don’t seek them out, Anton.
But it is hard not to hear their complaints in a society small as the one
aboard this ship. Maurice told me Abercrombie whipped Tageo.”
I did not hold with whipping, but
it was common enough practice. I would be hard pressed to sanction Abercrombie
for use of the lash as a means of discipline. “Tageo is a scoundrel. The men
say he has been stealing water. You can understand how serious is such an
“Yes, but—”
I held my fingers to her lips. “I
have heard the grumblings, Lenora. I will speak to Abercrombie.” I understood
her distaste. I had seen the lash cut down too many good men, both aboard ship
and in New Orleans, to embrace its use. And I feared Abercrombie had an
appetite for whippings far beyond what might be considered common practice. It
troubled me considerably more than I let on to Lenora. Abercrombie knew well I
needed him. He gave me his respect only because I was his superior and he
feared I might yet throw him into the sea.
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