Sunday, April 21, 2013

#8Sunday: The P-Town Queen is a RONE nominee!

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I was very chuffed, pleased, and generally bowled over to find out the P-Town Queen has been nominated for a RONE award in contemporary romance.

The book is a romantic comedy set in Provincetown, Massachusetts. It's told from two first person points of view; that of the heroine, Nikki and that of the hero, Marco. The two first person structure was a little tricky, as I had to have openings for both characters. Last week, I posted Nikki's first eight lines, which open the book. This week, I give you Marco's first eight lines, which are the first lines of chapter 2:

I’ll never make gnocchi again. Don’t get me wrong, I like a nice
gnocchi and I do it up pretty good, if I do say so myself. With just the right balance of cream and garlic, it’s food for the angels as my Nona would have said. But some foods, they have memories attached, and gnocchi, that’s a memory I’d just as soon forget.

It was me and Angelo Del Rossi in the kitchen at Roma’s. Angie,
he’s this big slow thug of a guy. Jesus and Mary, he didn’t know a paring knife from a carving knife and was not likely to learn anytime soon. I was cooking for my silent partner, Fat Phil Lazario.

For more great Sunday eight, click HERE

For more on The P-Town Queen, including where you can buy your very own copy, click HERE

And, in a little bit of shameless promo;  I would love it if you could stop by and vote for The P-Town Queen in phase two of this contest, where readers vote. You can vote HERE


  1. Congrats on your nomination!! Best of luck to your winning! Love the eight! Love the thought of that awesome Italian dumpling soup *stomach growls*

  2. Congratulations to you! :-) This story and characters are so interesting. I can just picture "Fat Phil Lazario".

    1. Thanks Debbie. Fat Phil is pretty much what you'd expect...

  3. Quite a crowd he hangs out with! I agree, food does carry memories - terrific snippet!

  4. Love the food associations and the way you describe them. Congrats on the award nomination.

  5. Congrats on the nomination. You are so right about food memories. And I'm interested to see how the two person first POV looks in the whole book. I'll be back! Oh, and GREAT 8! LOL

    1. Thanks Ann. It was an evolutionary process, getting to two first. I started in third but liked this approach better for the book. It's a simple switch, with alternate chapters.

  6. Some foods have true! A good glimpse of his character. :)

  7. Dynamite post! I cracked up. You captured a Soprano-like flavor w/o the gangsters. Terrific news about your nomination.

    1. Thanks Charmaine. Poor Marco has made some bad decisions.

  8. Congrats on your nomination. I love romantic comedy. Nice 8.

  9. Congrats on the nomination! Now I'm hungry after reading this!

  10. Officially hooked. You have a delightful voice. Oh, and thanks a lot for making me hungry! ;-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

  11. Ooh, I am very intrigued by the concept of two first person POVs. This is a fabulous excerpt! Congrats on the nomination!!

  12. I like the strong voice in this. And congrats on the nomination!

  13. Obviously I need to know what could have happened to make "food for the angels" turn into a memory he'd rather forget! Nice hook :)

    1. It's a terrible thing that happens. All I'm sayin' :)
