Sunday, October 14, 2012

#SixSentenceSunday--Who's bathroom is it, anyway?

Welcome to Six Sentence Sunday! This week I'm offering up another six sentences from my new time-travel romance, The Whisper of Time. Gwynn goes to brush her teeth to find her neighbor, Slate, in her bathroom:

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 Trouble was, I’d tossed and turned for half the night. The quiet had driven me to distraction and I kept thinking about Kyle and how angry I was with him- which did not make for a restful sleep. I got up groggy at five-thirty, did a few Miss-Kitty-worthy yoga stretches, threw on sweats and a t-shirt, and stumbled down the stairs. I figured I’d run some water over my face, brush my teeth, grab some coffee and, with a little luck, I could still beat Slate to the milking shed.
I opened the bathroom door just as Slate Peck was climbing out of the claw foot tub. I slammed the door shut.

Check out all the great sentences at Six Sentence Sunday


  1. Oh, boy. I bet she got an eyeful! *giggles*

    Sarah Ballance

  2. I think there are entirely too few bathroom scenes in books. But maybe 5 in my current wip is too much.

    Love yours.

    1. Thanks Lana. I agree, nothing says I love you like a good bathroom scene :)

  3. lol...very presumptuous!

  4. Not sure whether that's good or bad timing? Nice six, Ute.

    1. Hmm... I don't think Gwynn's sure, either Elin :)

  5. Very nice- now I'm curious what happens next.

  6. Very interesting... though she could still be asleep and dreaming she's seeing him. :p
