Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Insecure Writer: OMG it's in print!

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I worry about many things—the health and well being of my family, running out of money and having to live in a refrigerator box, whether or not the tiny spot on my wrist is a bug bite or something that will require amputation.  This week I have something new to worry about; my romantic comedy P-Town Queen has been released.  P-Town is meant to be funny. Writing funny means taking risks—the biggest risk being that others will view me as crazy.
            To write well, be it comedy or something more serious, you need to push boundaries. You need to ride hard and fast into uncharted territory with little thought to what the mailman or the barista at Starbucks will think of you. That’s not always easy to do. In the confines of your writer’s garret, locked away from the world, you can manage it. But then the wonderful terrible thing happens: you get published. All those words come out of the dark garret into the light. You’ve been exposed. The mailman and the barista will know you're just a few bucks and fender bender from complete lunacy. You feel like you have to change your name and address.
From now on, if anyone asks, I’m Mary Smith. 

For more writer insecurity, please visit  Insecure Writer's Support Group


  1. New releases are always that way, aren't they? The feeling that part of your soul is now exposed. I think it sounds great. Best of luck with it.

    1. Thanks Karen. The excitement of having a new book out does help mitigate the angst a lot!

  2. Ha! Well this made me laugh, so clearly comedy isn't a problem for you. ;) And remember "it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

    1. Thanks Rachel. I agree. I wouldn't want to do boring. What would be the point?

  3. LOL! Well 'Mary' I'm a new follower from IWSG and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. Great post, made me smile and my advice: Believe in yourself and take pride in what you have done.

    1. Thanks Summer. Like most of us, I go between "gee this is terrific" and "OMG what have I done?" in about two seconds flat.
      Glad you've joined IWSG. Welcome!

  4. That's really good news!!! Looking forward to reading it.
