
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Sun Awards

Historical romance novelist Shehanne Moore felt there wasn't enough sun in her native Scotland this summer. So she designed this summer sun award.  The talented and  lovely Catherine Cavendish has passed the honor on to me.

To accept the award, I have to display the banner (easy peasy) and answer eight questions about my summer doings (maybe not so easy peasy, but here goes).

1. Favorite Song with Summer in the Title or the lyrics (hum a few bars and give lyrics here)
"Girls in their Summer Clothes" by Bruce Springsteen. I love this lyric:
Love's a fool's dance
I ain't got much sense
but I still got my feet

2. Favorite book about summer:
 Prodigal Summer isn't about summer per say, but it's a great book and it has summer in the title. Barbara Kingsolver writes eloquently about the environment and nature. 

3.  Favorite Summer movie:

The Sandlot. I watched this with my boys when they were kids. Lots of nostalgia. 

4. Favorite Summer memory:
There are far too many to chose from! From recent memory, my son's wedding last June and a wonderful long weekend spent in New York City a few years back that included some awesome Broadway shows, fourth of July fireworks, and watching Derek Jeter hit his 3,000th single at Yankee Stadium.

5. Favorite summer destination:
Eastham on Cape Cod

6. What will be in your suitcase this summer
Besides the usual, my trusty Kindle Fire loaded down with more books than I could carry.

7. Likely Summer destination
We're staying close to home this summer, watching tomatoes grow in the garden and taking a few excursions to the beach.

8. What hottie would you most like to share the hot days and long nights this summer.
I'm a married lady, so of course I'll say my lovely hubby.  I do have a crush on Superman Henry Cavill. But that's a secret.

Okay, I'm all out of secrets.

I'm passing the honor to eight more talented writers. Go check out their blogs.

January Bain
Nikki Andrews
Karen Stivali
Cassiel Knight
Jude Johnson
Kathy Wheeler
Linda Rettstatt
Devon Ellington


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Cat! And thanks for bestowing the Summer Sun upon me. It's raining here. A lot. We could do with some sunshine!

  2. Ute...I loved coming by to read your choices.

    1. I'm so glad you stopped by Shehanne. I hope the sun is shining in Scotland.

  3. Thanks for the invite Ute! That was fun. We must do this again next summer as it's a nice tradition. Best, January
