
Sunday, July 7, 2013

#8Sunday #snipsun: One more week with Lenora

Happy Sunday! I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer. It's been hot here in New England this week. I've been at the beach, not a bad place to be when the weather gets blistery. It felt good to take a bit of a break, but now it's back to the computer. It's been a busy time for me, promo-wise. Sweet Lenora came out this week, the third of four releases I've had this summer. The last but not least, The Lilac Hour, comes out mid-month and over the next few weeks, I'll offer up a few snippets of that. But for now, I'd like to spend one more week with Lenora and Anton as they sail away towards love and adventure. 
Here, Lenora is caught as a stowaway and about to meet Anton:

The rapscallion with the knife grinned at me. He had few teeth and a malodorous smell came from the open cavity of his mouth. “What, and have you run off, little puss?”
     “Where would I run to?” My body shook at the folly of my coming above board. Would I had stayed in the safety of the hold!
     The rapscallion pulled his weapon back from my throat as another grabbed me round the waist. “Shall we unwrap our pretty present, boys?” 

For more Sunday Eight click Weekend Writing Warriors  HERE and visit Snippet Sunday on facebook HERE
For more on Sweet Lenora, including where you can buy a copy, click HERE 


  1. Oh no, so not good. Good on you leaving us with a cliff hanger on this one!

    History Sleuth's Milk Carton Murders

    1. Thanks Cindy. It does all work out in the end, LOL

  2. Great descriptive passage! I can just picture this foul smelling rapscallion. (Love that word!)

    1. Yeah, rapscallion is a great word. Right up there with scallywag and roustabout. :)

  3. Uh oh, I'm worried for her now! You really made me see (and smell) the rapscallion - great excerpt!

    1. Thanks Veronica. I don't think these guys own toothbrushes.

  4. Oww. This is a scary place to be in. Nice tension.

  5. Wow that guy is pretty scary. Where did her knight go?

  6. I sure hope there is a knight in shining armor nearby!

    1. Well, not clad in armor, but he does have a pistol.

  7. That last line gave me the heebie jeebies---hope her knight with shining pistol shows up soon! :)

  8. Ew. I bet he has B.O., too. Rescue better show up before she gets 'unwrapped.'

  9. She certainly could have timed her appearance better!

  10. A suspense-filled excerpt there.

  11. Oh no! This is certainly trouble. Hope she gets rescued before they "unwrap their present"

  12. Thanks to all of you for stopping by! Rescue is on the way--and none too soon...
