Sunday, March 24, 2013

#8Sunday Still writing To the Wind

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Hi Sunday snippeteers! I'm still working on the draft of To the Wind. It's a historical novella set in 1852 on and around a clipper ship. I think I'm finally getting to the end of my voyage. The book is a sequel to Sweet Lenora, which will be released in July. I think this may end up being a series, as I won't resolve everything in book two and more conflict keeps arising. So it goes when you let characters run amok. The story is told in the voice of Anton, a sea captain in his late twenties.

Here's my eight:

She put her hands to her hips and a fire lit in her green eyes. “You forget, Sir, that I helped to build Sweet Lenora. I knew her every inch before you even set foot on her and I will not tend roses while a group of poxy old men decide her future.”
“I’ll defend the Lenora,  isn’t that what I have promised to do?”
“And I promised to be your helpmeet, not your flower tender.”
I doubted the poxy old men gathered in the courthouse would agree that my wife had an admirable disposition. But then, they did not know her and love her as I did.“Get dressed and hurry. Wear the gray dress, it is far more serious.”

Thanks for stopping by. Click here for more Sunday Eight

click cover image for more on Sweet Lenora


  1. Good for her! I just love a strong heroine. :-) "Poxy old men" is a great line, too.

  2. Will be interesting to see if she can sway the "poxy old men". Excellent excerpt!

  3. LOL- she's got a spark in her and love the last line- made me laugh.

    My 8

    1. Thanks Summer. He's reluctantly coming around.

  4. She's one tough cookie. I love her already. Can't wait to read more. Great job! :-)

    1. Thanks Brenda. I do so love tough cookie heroines.

  5. An extraordinary woman for her time. Love the gray dress--serious.

    1. Thanks Sue Ann. She might be better off wearing something bright red. LOL

  6. Good for her! The gray dress adds a nice touch.

  7. Yay! I'm glad he's going to let her help! The gray dress, in addition to being more serious, is also more humble, practical, and unafraid of work. Not to mention far less feminine and domestic looking than a pink one with frills. ;)

  8. "Poxy old men" ROFL I love this.
