
Sunday, October 13, 2013

#8Sunday #SundaySnips Slow Hands

Welcome to the Sunday eight, the blog hop where writers post eight sentences of a project.
This week I've been knee deep (or maybe that should read pen deep?) in edits for my next feature-length novel.
The book, Dancing in the White Room, is upmarket women's fiction. It's a story about the love we keep and what it takes to hold on to a relationship. It's due out with TMP next March.

In my snippet, the heroine, Mallory is remembering a time with her boyfriend, Bell, who is an extreme skier.
Photo by Tina Phillips

He let go my hand and went back to working on the chair. He was measuring spokes for the back, piecing them into the seat. It amazes me how careful his hands are when he builds. You would never know it, watching him ski a slide or a glade. He’s all body then, all sharp turns and angles, his legs and arms all hammer and spring. Yet with this task, he takes his time, his hands grow soft, measured.

They are that way with me too. Soft, measured, slow.

Thanks for stopping by! 
For more great snippets to enhance your Sunday, please visit Weekend Writing Warriors and Sunday Snippets.
For more about Dancing in the White Room, check out my Dancing web page.  


  1. Beautiful imagery, Ute. What happens next, slow and soft?

    1. Thanks Charmaine. I think you already know what happens next, :)

  2. Lovely imagery, but I will say the verb tense changes threw me.

    1. It is a little tricky, Willa. She's remembering the past, but the book is written in present tense (if that makes sense). The changes are something we're looking at in editing. It maybe just this snip, as it's taken out of larger context, but I will have another look at the whole.

  3. Very evocative the last 2 lines! Well done, Ute!

  4. Excellent excerpt, very visual and I enjoyed the contrast between how he skies and how he makes a chair. I was a bit puzzled by the different use of tenses but not taken out of the scene at all...

  5. Lovely imagery and description. Nice 8!

  6. Beautiful word choice... Very sweet, and sexy :)

  7. I like the comparison between the chair and her body, Ute. Good snippet. :)

  8. I like the contrast between his behaviour with her and the chair and his job as a skier. He has multiple skills.
