
Sunday, October 27, 2013

#8Sunday #SundaySnips second eight from The P-Town Queen

Welcome to Sunday 8, the the blog hop where writers post eight sentences of a writing project or a published book.
For today, I thought it might be fun to look back at my books. I recently wrote a blog about The P-Town Queen. I've already posted the opening  eight of this book on  8Sunday. But what of those that come after?
So, without further ado, here's Nikki and the second eight sentences of The P-Town Queen.

Ned, a brilliant shark researcher in his own right, had tumbled a long way: to full time administrator of a bullshit state commission. Though to hear Ned say it, it wasn’t a tumble but a reward for all the years he’d spent roughing it on a California channel island—an island that only had electricity every other day— in order to unlock the mystery of white shark feeding behavior. I had spent five years on that island with Ned. We were married at the time.

One divorce and one un-granted California grant later, I was back on Cape Cod, in Provincetown, living just off Bradford Street with my father and in dire need of a job. I wrote the (grant) proposal. Then I revved up my resolve, packed away my pride, and called Ned. He agreed to a meeting at the Long Wharf Marriott in Boston.

Thanks for stopping by!
For more Sunday Snippets, please visit Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday
For more on The P-Town Queen, including where you download your very own copy, please visit my P-Town Queen page


  1. Thank you for revving up my resolve on this chilly morning!

  2. It sounds very interesting. I think I would love to have Ned's bullshit state commission.

  3. Interesting snippet, an unusual story! Makes me want to keep reading, definitely.

  4. I would definitely keep reading this story.

  5. Mixing it up with an ex-husband in the name of research. I can't wait to see where that goes.

    1. Yeah, it doesn't go well. No surprise there, huh?

  6. Hmm. I wonder how that meeting with go? Leaves me wanting more! Great eight.

    1. Thanks Anne. The meeting goes...weeell... not exactly as planned. But...

  7. Interesting set up. I take it the divorce wasn't totally hostile?

  8. Revved up her resolve and packed away her pride... nice imagery.

  9. I have a feeling their meeting won't go too well - and that she's better off without him. They don't sound like the best match!
