
Sunday, September 1, 2013

#8Sunday #SundaySnippets: A grief beyond tears

I received the cover art for To the Wind, Anton and Lenora book two this week. I love getting cover art, it's like unwrapping a present! The cover is down below, if you'd like to take a gander.  Meanwhile, I'm still hard at work on the third novella of this series, All Things Returned.  Here's a sample of what I've been scribbling--

I went to the bedroom and shut the door behind me. The bed that Anton and I had so recently occupied was evidence of better times. Would those times ever return?  I lay down and stared up at the ceiling.
The day of my father’s funeral flew into my mind and it was as though I stood again in the rain by his gravesite and watched as his coffin was lowered into the ground. I had wondered, then, why I had not been able to conjure tears for the father I had loved so dearly. Now I knew the condition for what it was—the deepest sort of grief, a grief beyond tears. 

           “Why did you not tell me?” Anton stood at the threshold.

For more great writing snippets, please visit Weekend Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday

For more on Anton and Lenora, please visit my Anton and Lenora web page

Book One, Sweet Lenora, is currently available

And, because it's new and I love showing it off, here's the cover for book two! To the Wind is coming out on October 7.


  1. Beautiful cover!

    But poor Lenora . . .

  2. Very nice; clearly written with emotional impact.

  3. I love the cover! So evocative...but your poor heroine. An excellent excerpt, touches the reader's emotions for sure.

  4. Lovely cover.

    Very emotional snippet -- so easy to relate to what she is feeling.

  5. Beautiful cover. I'm glad he has come in to be with her during the moment her grief really hits her. Great writing.

  6. This gave me chills. Wonderful snippet! (And nice cover, too!)

  7. Beautiful eight, that pull the reader in emotionally.

  8. Nicely done, Ute. Glad Anton arrived. :)

  9. Nice job! I loved the last line!

  10. An emotional eight there.
